
Employee Development
Hiring new employees is expensive and so is retaining employees who are not motivated in their jobs. Providing development opportunities allows them to continue to grow, prepare for their next role in the company, and feel valued. We develop those plans and provide trainings which specifically meet the needs of your business.

Leadership Development
Managers are an extension of you in representing your company. It can be difficult for owners to delegate that responsibility. We partner with owners to understand your business, vision, and unique challenges, so we can provide training and advice for your managers, which specifically meet the needs of your business and sets your managers up for success.

Performance Management
We can advise you on how to best to approach those difficult conversations with underperforming employees, best practices on documenting those conversations to limit your liability.

We can provide tips for managers on how to provide feedback both positive and negative to improve future performance as well as implement a regular formal performance review process.

Policy and Compliance
An employee handbook is a great way to communicate company polices, ensure consistent management decisions, and minimized legal risk. We audit your current handbook or develop a customized handbook to ensure your content is current, relevant and required. We assist you in developing clear and appropriate policies that are up-to-date and tailored for your industry and company culture.

Conducting an audit is a great way to assess what needs to be done. We review your processes and documents to ensure you are up to date and mitigate any risk for fines and law suits. We partner with your team through the process of the audit as well as remedies and ensure the staff understands the reasons behind changes.

We offer the following audits:

  • general compliance;
  • personnel file;
  • competitiveness;
  • job descriptions.

We train your staff in:

  • R & S;
  • Soft skills;
  • Feedback techniques;
  • Interview techniques;
  • Competency interview techniques;
  • Development of job description;
  • Mentorship for interview preparation;
  • Business Partners.