Finding the right employee to fill a position can be a time consuming process. We get to know your company’s culture, the challenges, and the benefits, so we can be the face of your company and market your job openings as a personal extension of you. We take the hassle out of finding the perfect employee by:

  • Attain hiring managers job requirements;
  • Create job descriptions;
  • Benchmark job for competitive salary;
  • Post jobs;
  • Review applications and resumes;
  • Prescreen candidates and phone interviews;
  • Coordinate and conduct virtual or on-site interviews;
  • Create offer letters;
  • Manage applicant tracking system;
  • Conduct reference and background checks.

Recruitment Process Improvement
An inconvenient on-line application process reduces the number of good applicants you receive and slow communication with candidates on where they are in the process creates a bad name in the marketplace.
In our interview processes, we will identify the best candidate for your business.  Structured interviewing processes lead to good hires and accurate feedback on the applicant thus avoiding causing bad reputation for the company, which could cost as much as 70% of the employee’s salary to find a replacement.
We review your current recruitment process, recommend changes and assist in implementation and training.

To Attract, we do work on

Offering employee benefits, communicates the company cares for their family and their well being, and is a key ingredient to attract the best candidates.
We partner with you to attain competitive benefits for your employees. We are the employee benefit expert on call for your employee benefit needs (i.e. medical, life insurance, worker’s compensation, and leave of absence) freeing you from the headache of benefit claims and new hire and annual benefit enrollment questions. We serve as the liaison between your company and the carrier for all benefits including worker’s compensation.

Not paying your employees enough can hurt the quality of your team and causing a high turnover. We will help developing a consistent approach to compensation and boost the morale.
We do the work to ensure you are paying the correct level and advise you on how to best administer and communicate the program, so employees know they are being paid their worth without favoritism, and that they have a bright future with your company.

Monitoring your on-line presence
In a digital age, a few negative comments on a job board can hurt your company’s brand and reputation and affect the quality of candidates that you receive. We monitor and manage that for you by providing timely responses to comments and looking for trends on how to improve the company.
We assist you in marketing a positive company image on your website and social media. When candidates research your company, they can get a glimpse into your company’s culture, and whether it is a company they want to join.

For Hire, we do

Job Descriptions
When a new employee has joined your company, they need to understand their role fully and your company’s expectations. Providing a job description is a great way to communicate that. We partner with management to create or update job descriptions for your staff.

New Hire Orientations (Onboarding)
when you have finally found “the one” to hire, everyone is anxious to get them to work and carrying their full weight as soon as possible. In order to avoid employee turnover in the future, it is important that we onboard the new hire for the greatest success.
We develop a custom new hire orientation program for your company. As your Human Resources Partner, we conduct the new hire orientation with the new employee on their first day, so they get their questions answered, paperwork completed, set up in the appropriate systems, and understand the company protocols. We handle electronic work authorization verification, avoiding costly fines.

We can also provide a training checklist for the hiring manager so that all items are covered, and the new hire gets the support he needs to get up to speed on his new role.

Outplacement (Offboarding)

What Is Outplacement and How It Can Save Your Reputation

A layoff can be devastating. For an employee, it’s not just lost income, it’s losing an identity and community of colleagues. Worrying about the logical next step can feel overwhelming.

Letting workers go is an unpleasant experience for managers, too. However, you can take steps to make layoffs as positive an experience as possible. Termination with dignity should always include outplacement services to help workers take a step forward in the next chapter of their careers.

Why should you invest in helping people who are no longer your employees? It’s about more than just your outgoing employees. It’s also about your company’s reputation and brand, and the employees who remain.

It’s the right thing to do for employees

Outplacement provides a focus for employees who are shell-shocked by a layoff. Whether you’ve warned your staff that a major layoff is coming or not, the finality of that last day and the uncertainty of at least temporary unemployment is a shock to a person’s psyche. By providing them immediate outplacement services, you are giving them a lifeline in that sea of uncertainty, something tangible to focus on that will give real value, right away. More on that:

Outplacement services empower laid-off employees to move on faster to the next stage in their professional lives. You give them the tools to define their passions, direct their next steps, and become hired again typically sooner than if outplacement was not provided.

Outplacement coaching is invaluable, especially for people who have been out of the job market for a while. If you’re in the position of laying off longtime employees, it’s more than likely they’re not up on the latest job search trends, don’t know the importance of LinkedIn, have never heard of Glassdoor, and have no idea how to structure their time in transition.
