
Soft skills mais desejados no momento

Soft skills mais desejados no momento

Os soft skills são habilidades sócio-comportamentais baseadas na interação humana, que transcendem as habilidades técnicas. Eles são cada vez mais valorizados pelas empresas, que procuram profissionais capazes de se adaptar às mudanças, resolver problemas, trabalhar em equipe, comunicar-se de forma efetiva, etc.

Desenvolver soft skills é importante porque estes podem influenciar positivamente no desempenho profissional, aprimorando a produtividade, a criatividade, a liderança, a comunicação, a colaboração, a resolução de problemas, a adaptação às mudanças e o bem-estar pessoal.

Para desenvolver essas habilidades, é preciso procurar autoconhecimento, reflexão, orientação e aprendizagem contínua. Existem no mercado, vários cursos e programas que podem ajudar o profissional nesse processo de aprimoramento pessoal, além de práticas como feedback, coaching e mentoring.

Seguem algumas soft skills mais desejadas pelas empresas:

  1. Pensamento analítico e inovação

O pensamento analítico e a inovação são duas habilidades importantes para o futuro do trabalho e da vida. Enquanto o pensamento analítico é a capacidade de raciocinar de forma lógica, crítica e criativa, usando dados e informações de diferentes fontes para resolver problemas e tomar decisões, a inovação é a capacidade de criar algo novo, original ou melhorado, usando a criatividade e o pensamento analítico para encontrar soluções inéditas ou optimizadas. Essas habilidades permitem que as pessoas se adaptem às mudanças, enfrentem desafios e aproveitem as oportunidades em um mundo cada vez mais complexo e dinâmico. 

  • Aprendizagem activa e estratégias de aprendizagem

Aprendizagem activa é um termo que se refere a um conjunto de metodologias de ensino que colocam o indivíduo como protagonista do seu próprio processo de aprendizagem. Nessa abordagem, o indivíduo não é apenas um receptor passivo de informações, mas um participante activo que busca, analisa, cria e aplica o conhecimento de forma autônoma e colaborativa. As estratégias de aprendizagem são as formas como o indivíduo pode se envolver com o conteúdo e desenvolver as habilidades necessárias para a aprendizagem activa.

Seguem algumas estratégias de aprendizagem que podem ser adoptadas:

  • Leitura: O indivíduo lê textos, livros, artigos ou outros materiais relacionados ao tema de estudo, procurando compreender, interpretar e criticar as informações.
  • Pesquisa: O indivíduo busca fontes confiáveis e relevantes sobre determinado assunto, utilizando ferramentas como a internet, bibliotecas, entrevistas ou observações.
  • Resolução de problemas: O indivíduo enfrenta desafios reais ou simulados que exigem a aplicação do conhecimento adquirido, utilizando o raciocínio lógico, a criatividade e a inovação.
  • Estudo de casos: O indivíduo analisa situações concretas que ilustram conceitos, teorias ou princípios, buscando compreender as causas, as consequências e as soluções possíveis.
  • Trabalhos práticos: O indivíduo realiza actividades que envolvem a manipulação de materiais, ferramentas ou equipamentos, com o objectivo de explorar, experimentar e testar hipóteses.
  • Debates: O indivíduo discute com os seus colegas ou com o professor/gestor sobre um tema polêmico ou controverso, buscando defender o seu ponto de vista, respeitar as opiniões divergentes e chegar a um consenso.
  • Projetos: O indivíduo planeia e executa um trabalho que tem um objectivo definido, um prazo estabelecido e um produto final esperado, procurando integrar diferentes áreas do conhecimento e desenvolver competências transversais.
  • Resiliência, tolerância ao estresse e flexibilidade

Possuir soft skill de resiliência, tolerância ao estresse e flexibilidade significa ter a capacidade de se adaptar a situações adversas, lidar com a pressão e mudar de estratégia quando necessário. Essas habilidades são importantes para o sucesso profissional e pessoal, pois permitem enfrentar os desafios e as oportunidades do mundo actual, que é cada vez mais complexo e dinâmico. Algumas características de pessoas que possuem essas soft skills são:

  • Resiliência: são pessoas que conseguem superar as dificuldades, transformar os problemas em aprendizados e manter o equilíbrio emocional diante das adversidades. Elas têm uma visão positiva da vida, confiança em si mesmas e persistência para alcançar seus objetivos.
  • Tolerância ao stress: são pessoas que conseguem gerenciar o estresse de forma saudável, sem se deixar abalar ou prejudicar sua saúde física e mental. Elas sabem reconhecer seus limites, buscar apoio quando necessário e relaxar nos momentos de lazer.
  • Flexibilidade: são pessoas que conseguem se adaptar às mudanças, sejam elas internas ou externas. Elas estão abertas a novas ideias, experiências e pontos de vista, e sabem mudar de opinião ou de plano quando as circunstâncias exigem.
  • Liderança

Soft skill de liderança é a habilidade de motivar, inspirar e orientar uma equipe para alcançar um objetivo comum. É uma das competências mais valorizadas no mercado de trabalho, pois influencia directamente no desempenho, na produtividade e na satisfação dos colaboradores. 

  • Inteligência emocional

Inteligência emocional é a capacidade de identificar e lidar com as emoções e sentimentos pessoais e de outros indivíduos. É uma habilidade que envolve o uso da inteligência social, que é a capacidade de se relacionar bem com as outras pessoas, e da inteligência intrapessoal, que é a capacidade de se conhecer e se autocontrolar.

A inteligência emocional é importante porque ela influencia vários aspectos da vida pessoal e profissional, como o bem-estar, a saúde, a produtividade, a criatividade, a liderança, a comunicação, a resolução de problemas e a adaptação às mudanças. Pessoas com inteligência emocional desenvolvida tendem a ser mais felizes, confiantes, equilibradas e bem-sucedidas do que aquelas que não têm essa habilidade.

Segundo o psicólogo Daniel Goleman, que popularizou o conceito, a inteligência emocional pode ser dividida em cinco pilares:

  • Autoconhecimento emocional: é a capacidade de reconhecer as próprias emoções e seus efeitos sobre si mesmo e sobre os outros.
  • Controle emocional: é a capacidade de gerir as próprias emoções, especialmente as negativas, e expressá-las de forma adequada.
  • Automotivação: é a capacidade de usar as próprias emoções para se impulsionar em direção aos seus objetivos, mesmo diante de obstáculos ou frustrações.
  • Empatia: é a capacidade de compreender as emoções e as necessidades dos outros, e se colocar no lugar deles.
  • Habilidades sociais: é a capacidade de interagir com os outros de forma positiva, cooperativa e construtiva, estabelecendo relações saudáveis e harmoniosas.

A inteligência emocional pode ser aprendida e melhorada por meio de práticas como o autoconhecimento, o autocontrole, a automotivação, a empatia e a comunicação eficaz.


Most Desired Soft Skills at the Moment

Soft skills are social-behavioral skills based on human interaction, which transcend technical skills. They are increasingly valued by companies, which are looking for professionals capable of adapting to change, solving problems, teams working, communicating effectively, etc.

Developing soft skills is an important step because they can positively influence professional performance, improving productivity, creativity, leadership, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, adapting to change, and personal well-being.

To develop these skills, it is necessary to seek self-knowledge, reflection, guidance, and continuous learning. There are several courses and programs in the market that can help the professional in this process of personal improvement, in addition to practices such as feedback, coaching and mentoring.

Here are some of soft skills most desired by companies:

1. Analytical thinking and innovation

Analytical thinking and innovation are two important skills for the future of work and life. While analytical thinking is the ability to reason logically, critically, and creatively, using data and information from different sources to solve problems and make decisions, innovation is the ability to create something new, original, or improved, using creativity and analytical thinking to find new or optimized solutions. These skills enable people to adapt to change, face challenges, and seize opportunities in an increasingly complex and dynamic world.

2. Active learning and learning strategies

Active learning is a term that refers to a set of teaching methodologies that place the individual as the protagonist of their own learning process. In this approach, the individual is not just a passive receiver of information, but an active participant who seeks, analyzes, creates, and applies knowledge autonomously and collaboratively. Learning strategies are the ways in which the individual can engage with the content and develop the skills necessary for active learning.

Here are some learning strategies that can be adopted:

Reading: The individual reads texts, books, articles, or other materials related to the topic of study, seeking to understand, interpret, and critique the information.

Research: The individual seeks reliable and relevant sources on a given subject, using tools such as the internet, libraries, interviews, or observations.

Problem solving: The individual faces real or simulated challenges that require the application of the acquired knowledge, using logical reasoning, creativity and innovation.

Case studies: The individual analyzes concrete situations that illustrate concepts, theories or principles, seeking to understand the causes, consequences and possible solutions.

Practical work: The individual carries out activities that involve the manipulation of materials, tools or equipment, with the aim of exploring, experimenting and testing hypotheses.

Debates: The individual discusses with his/her classmates or with the teacher/manager about a controversial or controversial topic, seeking to defend his/her point of view, respect divergent opinions and reach a consensus.

Projects: The individual plans and executes a work that has a defined objective, an established deadline and an expected final product, seeking to integrate different areas of knowledge and develop transversal skills.

3. Resilience, stress tolerance, and flexibility

Possessing the soft skill of resilience, stress tolerance, and flexibility means having the ability to adapt to adverse situations, deal with pressure, and change strategy when necessary. These skills are important for professional and personal success, as they allow them to face the challenges and opportunities of today’s increasingly complex and dynamic world.

Some characteristics of people who have these soft skills are:

Resilience: these are people who are able to overcome difficulties, transform problems into learning and maintain emotional balance in the face of adversity. They have a positive outlook on life, confidence in themselves, and persistence to achieve their goals.

Stress tolerance: These are people who are able to manage stress in a healthy way, without letting themselves be shaken or harm their physical and mental health. They know how to recognize their limits, seek support when needed, and relax in their leisure time.

Flexibility: These are people who can adapt to changes, whether internal or external. They are open to new ideas, experiences, and points of view, and they know how to change their minds or plans when circumstances require it.

These soft skills can be developed through practices such as self-knowledge, self-control, self-motivation, empathy, communication, creativity, and innovation.

4. Leadership

Leadership soft skill is the ability to motivate, inspire, and guide a team to achieve a common goal. It is one of the most valued skills in the job market, as it directly influences performance, productivity and employee satisfaction.

5. Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and deal with the emotions and feelings of oneself and other individuals. It is a skill that involves the use of social intelligence, which is the ability to relate well to other people, and intrapersonal intelligence, which is the ability to know oneself and control oneself.

Emotional intelligence is important because it influences various aspects of personal and professional life, such as well-being, health, productivity, creativity, leadership, communication, problem-solving, and adapting to change. People with developed emotional intelligence tend to be happier, more confident, more balanced, and more successful than those who don’t.

According to psychologist Daniel Goleman, who popularized the concept, emotional intelligence can be divided into five pillars:

• Emotional self-awareness: This is the ability to recognize one’s own emotions and their effects on oneself and others;

• Emotional control: This is the ability to manage one’s own emotions, especially negative ones, and express them appropriately;

• Self-motivation: This is the ability to use one’s emotions to propel oneself toward one’s goals, even in the face of obstacles or frustrations;

• Empathy: This is the ability to understand the emotions and needs of others, and to put yourself in their shoes;

• Social skills: is the ability to interact with others in a positive, cooperative and constructive way, establishing healthy and harmonious relationships;

Emotional intelligence can be learned and improved through practices such as self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, empathy, and effective communication.


The Pros of Outsourcing your HR Department

Now Is the Best Time to Start Outsourcing Human Resources

It’s no secret that all companies have different needs. Providing unique and tailored treatment, C & S offers customized or combined HR services to meet and exceed your expectations. Our Human Resources Outsourcing (HRO) services provide employers with one single point of contact to coordinate and manage a selection of HR processes with flexibility that best fits your business.

The Great Resignation is causing many executives to worry about attracting and retaining staff. Organizations must remain consistent despite fluctuating staffing levels which can result in a stressful workplace. Executives may find with these demands that they need help with certain tasks, such as managing HR. Some might also discover that their HR team could use additional assistance. No matter the reason, HR outsourcing firms can help. Here are reasons why some may choose to outsource HR during this time.

  1. Outsourcing HR Can Save Money

For small and medium-sized businesses, it can be challenging to afford enough employees to staff a good HR department. By outsourcing, businesses can hire fewer specialists which can save money. As the number of employees and the need for better benefits increases, so does an employer’s business cost and demand for time and attention. HR outsourcing firms can assist with HR-related tasks to keep everything moving on time and within budget, providing employers a more efficient, cost-effective approach to running a business.

  1. Save Time

Routine HR tasks can take up time that business executives could otherwise spend serving the company’s core mission. By outsourcing HR, executives can reduce certain staff member responsibilities as well, giving them time to focus on other things and reducing stress. Whether a company has 10 or 10,000 employees, the focus should be on the business and clients, rather than distributing the paycheck every two weeks or every month. As the number of employees increases, so do various compliance requirements, benefit plans, training needs, and people management. Instead of focusing on these tasks, outsourcing can give executives more time to focus on their goals.

  1. Save Money on Benefits

Health benefits are more important to employees now than ever before. Outsourcing HR can give employees better benefits for a lower price. Along with a growing number of employees comes the need for a better benefits pool. Especially for smaller businesses, healthcare benefits costs can be high. HR outsourcing can open the door to a full-service employee benefits broker that can provide access to the most competitive benefits package rates available.

  1. Stay in Compliance

It is essential for employers to maintain compliance with everything from employee classification to taxes to timekeeping. HR outsourcing will ensure that the business is abiding by regulations and statutes, as well as keep up to speed on important regulation changes and updates. Small business loans and other pandemic legislation have resulted in a complex web of regulations. Failing to keep up with these new laws can create filing errors and result in expensive penalties from the IRS.

  1. Help Your Business Grow

Many organizations are looking to hire. HR outsourcing firms stay on top of recruiting trends and know the best way to attract great employees. They can help businesses create a training program for new hires and plan incentives to keep employees engaged. The HRO model allows for executives to look at the bigger picture while the HR partner focuses on the employees. Organizations can also access tools to help measure growth, encourage employee success, and stay in compliance.


Best Service provided for Small Businesses

We are full service company engaged in providing solutions for employees needs, training managers and the entire HR department for companies. We offer comprehensive employment services such as assistance with employer compliance. Our company is your strategic HR partner as instead of HR.

Many small companies assign an employee and or HR issues to operation executives or other employees, who may not have the specialized training to navigate these operational areas correctly & compliance with country regulations. A company HR ideal solution may be a consultant administrator.

Four major elements that we offer:

Our Advisers can provide needed services from the training needs to managing entire HR department.

  • The appropriate trainers for the strategic problem;
  • Leadership / strategic / HR service for clients;
  • We have great support in digital marketing;
  • Extra and best training provided to our clients;
  • High quality assessment provided by C & S advisers.