How to Make Your Hiring Process a Level Playing Field
How to Make Your Hiring Process a Level Playing Field If you're looking for top talent, then you know that you can't get there without considering all the options you…
Enhancing Team Dynamics in the Digital Workspace
Enhancing Team Dynamics in the Digital Workspace It’s no secret that leading a remote team isn’t always a walk in the park. It requires an adaptable leadership style. This C…
Como tornar equitativo e inclusivo o seu processo de contratação
Como tornar equitativo e inclusivo o seu processo de contratação Se estás à procura dos melhores talentos, então sabes que não podes lá chegar sem considerar todas as opções que…
Melhorar a dinâmica da equipa na era do trabalho digital
Image via Freepik Melhorando a dinâmica da equipa na era do trabalho digital Não é segredo que liderar uma equipa remota, nem sempre é fácil. Exige um estilo de…
Soft skills mais desejados no momento
Soft skills mais desejados no momento Os soft skills são habilidades sócio-comportamentais baseadas na interação humana, que transcendem as habilidades técnicas. Eles são cada vez mais valorizados pelas empresas, que…
Most Desired Soft Skills at the Moment
Soft skills are social-behavioral skills based on human interaction, which transcend technical skills. They are increasingly valued by companies, which are looking for professionals capable of adapting to change, solving…
The Pros of Outsourcing your HR Department
Now Is the Best Time to Start Outsourcing Human Resources It’s no secret that all companies have different needs. Providing unique and tailored treatment, C & S offers customized or…
Best Service provided for Small Businesses
We are full service company engaged in providing solutions for employees needs, training managers and the entire HR department for companies. We offer comprehensive employment services such as assistance with…